From Greatest hits to a simple test

At some point, the campaign will end and the governing will begin.

Not today, however.

Governor Hogan’s State of the State speech began with his greatest hits from the election.

           “40 consecutive tax hikes have taken an additional $10 billion out of the pockets of struggling Maryland families and small businesses. We’ve lost more than 8,000 businesses, and Maryland’s unemployment nearly doubled.”

He also stated that he would introduce legislation cutting taxes by an estimated $30 million.

What he would cut from his budget if these reductions are made, he did not say.

The Governor further said, “We have universities and schools that are among the best in the nation.”

How that jibes with the increase in K-12 class size that his budget would bring about, he did not say.

However, the Governor did give an indication as to how he will deal with the realities of governing:

             “And every decision I make as governor will be put to a simple test.

            “Will this law or action make it easier for families and small businesses to stay in Maryland?

            “And – will it make more families and small businesses want to come to Maryland?”

Before we complete our work in April, the Governor and the legislature will have countless opportunities to answer those questions.

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