Public schools were the topic of my first and last meetings of the day.
The $130 million deficit confronting the Baltimore City school system is one of the most consequential issues we face this session.
However, my breakfast meeting was about the long term.
A commission is studying the adequacy of the formula that determines the amount of state aid for the 24 school districts in Maryland.
That will surely require additional revenue, which means new taxes.
I met today with someone who has experience in creating a state-wide coalition that accomplished an increase in school aid elsewhere.
I offered what I hope was sound advice on the policy, the politics, and the fundraising.
In the present, more public schools have been closed in the City than have been rebuilt.
Those numbers will change, but not before next year’s primary election.
There must be community input into the future use of these empty buildings.
My 41st District colleagues and had a productive meeting with City officials about a process that would ensure that involvement.
The bill I’ve introduced on the issue was helpful in bringing about this meeting.